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Aidan Jeon

Director of Logistics

As his senior year at Fraser Heights Secondary draws near, Aidan is excited to serve as the Director of Logistics for Strive 2025! His journey into the world of business began in early 2023, when he attended his first case competition. Since then, he has attended various case competitions and has fallen in love with the competitive nature of case competitions alongside the warm and welcoming community of participants. With technology being heavily weaved into the current foundations of business, Aidan is thrilled to see how participants will incorporate technology to their advantage at the 2025 iteration of Strive. In his spare time, Aidan enjoys playing soccer, going on nightly runs while blasting the same playlist, and hurriedly going on late-night chipotle runs with friends. Aidan is confident that Strive 2025 will be a unique and rewarding experience and is looking forward to meeting everyone!

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Aidan Jeon
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